I was a bit of a heavy-metaller when I was an undergraduate ('92 - '96). I had the full rock credentials; the mullet, the leathers, the oversized white trainers, the range of Iron Maiden T-Shirts, and of course the inevitable 6-string. In about 1993 I decided to paint the sleeve of my leather biker jacket with a "Motorhead" logo (click the thumbnails for a bigger view). I was quite pleased with how it came out. I used acrylic paints on it which were pretty tough and kept their nice rich colour. I also did a crazily green "Overkill" logo on the back of a mate's jacket too.

I put my jacket on eBay last year and amazingly it went for about £22! Not bad for an old jacket. And I thought I'd be dumping the thing at the local charity shop! I had to get rid of it one way or another, you see. The time had come. As a respectable member of society I hadn't worn it for over 10 years, and certainly couldn't think of a socially acceptable occasion (apart from maybe a fancy dress party) where I'd ever wear it again.
Anyway, below is a view of the jacket that I used for eBay auction. That's my Fender Stratocaster I'm holding!
That one surely brings in mind a lot of good memories full of Judas Priest, A green metallic Ibanez, mr. Spikey (Black ironbird), Marshall Amps and a flat full of Stella cans :))))
Boy we got really old!
Thanks for all the comments VagabominatioN! We may be old(ish) gits, but I'm sure we still know how to rock!
we sure do Gazza!
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